
What is Tooth Extraction and Why is it Needed?

This article emphasizes on what is tooth extraction and why tooth extraction is more of a boon than a pain in your mouth. Tooth extraction is a process in which a tooth is removed from its socket in the bone. If the tooth is broken or is being ruined by decay, your dentist will fix it with the help of a filling, crown or other measures. When the damage goes way out of hand, that is when it needs to be extracted. A very loose tooth also demands extraction if it cannot be saved even with a bone graft or bone replacement surgery. There are many more reasons to why tooth extraction is needed:

  • Many people have extra teeth that block other teeth to grow.
  • Many times, baby teeth never fall out to let permanent teeth come in.
  • People getting braces installed also need to get their teeth extracted to create more space for the teeth that will be moved in the field of radiation extracted.

  • People taking cancer meds and drugs get their teeth infected as the drugs weaken their immune system. Infected teeth calls for an extraction. Many teeth need to get extracted if they become the source of infection post organ transplant.
  • If you have been through organ transplant, you may have high risk of infection as they take drugs that suppresses their immune system.
  • Wisdom teeth or third molars also need to be extracted before or after they come in. They come in the late teens or in the early 20s. They need an extraction when they are decayed or else they may cause a cyst or infection to take place. These teeth tend to get stick in the jaw and not come in. This tend to irritate the gum that causes pain and swelling. If that is the case, then the tooth must be removed. If you are considering to get all the four wisdom teeth removed, they are usually extracted at the same time.

  • If you are taking intravenous drugs like bisphosphonates for a medical condition, then you need to consult with your dentist before your drug treatment even begins. When you conduct a tooth extraction after the bisphosphonate treatment, it tends to boost the risk of osteonecrosis (death of bone) in the jaw.

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